Graphene Oxide Composite Membranes
Our custom graphene oxide composite membranes have superior water vapor permeance, have tunable performance, and are cost-competitive.
Evaluation samples for research and development are currently available for purchase as we scale to offer commercial membrane production volumes.
Sample sizes include:
- 3” x 3”
- 6” x 6”
- 10” x 10”

Quotes and Orders
To learn more about our membrane products or to purchase a sample, contact us by completing the contact information below.
Game Changing
Why Graphene Oxide Membranes
- Highest demonstrated water vapor permeance – less material needed, smaller capex
- Negligible swelling upon exposure to water or organics – easier manufacturing
- Stable to harsh chemicals like chlorine – easier cleaning if needed in water applications
- Not fluorinated therefore no release of PFAs
- Studies have shown them to be fouling resistant
Application areas include humidification, dehumidification, pervaporation, and gas dehydration among many others.
Vapor-vapor phase separations
- Air dehumidifiers*
- Energy recovery ventilators (ERVs)*
- Fuel cell humidifiers*
- Gas dehydration (e.g., hydrogen, Co2, natural gas*)
- Tritiated water recovery*
- Air dehumidification for more energy efficient air conditioning
Vapor-liquid phase separations
- Evaporative cooling*
- Humidifiers
- Solvent dehydration
*Preliminary demonstration completed